Wednesday, June 01, 2005

In an effort NOT to be dooced....

I'm going to tread lightly in a discussion of my latest job-related thoughts.
It's almost a foregone conclusion at this point that I will not be working with my assistant of two years next year. There have been cutbacks and we are *supposed* to be losing some assistant positions, and it is very probable that she will be relocated to another room. I'm sad about that, because we have a great working relationship. It's happened to me before, and I will survive, but it does stink.
The kicker is that the candidates to be my assistant for next year are less than desirable to me. Another teacher has already gone to the administration to say "don't put them in my room." That should be a clue to those in charge.
At this point, I don't know what to do. Part of me says to stick with it, to see what happens. Part of me says leave. I have been down this road before, having a horrible assistant, and that year, combined with other factors, influenced my decision to leave that particular school.
Another position *might* be available at my school; however, it's not a classroom position. My sticking point would be that I MUST receive my supplement for NB certification. I know they have the money in the job budget.
What it comes down to is how much the system is willing to do to keep me, versus how easy it will be to find another job. I hate to put my resume out there and "look" but with the topsy-turvy world that is my school these days, I don't know that I shouldn't.
Someone said today, "I don't want to rock the boat." I'm thinking, better to rock the boat than to stay on a sinking ship.
More news as it develops.


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