Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Summer School

I was at the urologist's office for a long time today. I believe I'm the youngest patient they've had there in a while. At least I'm the youngest one in the waiting room the two times I've been.
There were two small girls over in the corner looking at magazines and chattering like squirrels. No adult was around. Occasionally a teenage boy would come in with a toddler, sit with them a few minutes, then go back outside. The girls were fairly well behaved, considering there was no direct adult supervision. Then they began to get restless and a little loud, so I went over to sit with them.
I grabbed a couple issues of "Your Big Backyard" and started reading to them, talking about the animals in the pictures, asking them questions. They quickly devoted their attention to me and were eager to look through the magazines. One of the girls couldn't see well, so she went around to the empty chair on my right, pulled it over, hopped up, and was ready to go. The girls asked a lot of questions, as well. I found out my "students" were 3 and 6. They were very interested in the bandage I had on my arm, asking me several times about it.
We read and talked and sang (quietly) for about 30 minutes before their grandmother came out. She was grateful for the "babysitting," as were the nurses and secretaries. I said goodbye to my new little friends, Cheyenne and her cousin, and they went on their way. My mom said "Grandma has her hands full!" and I agreed.
When I was finishing my appointment, one of the nurses thanked me for helping out and told me I was hired. She also said "I can tell you're a great teacher."
Hearing that made me flash back to days spent with children full of wonder and excitement and my joy in sharing new things with them. I will miss that, not being in the classroom full-time. But maybe there will be the random doctor's office every now and then, when I can pull out my old teacher's bag of tricks, dust off my read-aloud voice, and experience that spark once again.

P.S. Happy one-month blogiversary to me!


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