Happy Barkday!

Today is Archie's birthday. Or at least as close to it as we'll get.
I picked him up at a colleague's house two years ago today. He had wandered up before a light snowfall and stayed on. My friend tried to find his owners, but had no luck, so she asked me to come out and take a look at him. And I'm glad I did.
That Friday afternoon, Archie decided to wander off from her house. Another colleague saw him alongside the road, stopped her car, grabbed him, threw him in her car, and drove the short distance back to the house to keep him safe until I arrived.
He didn't have a name yet, but I had a tag, collar, and leash for him. We went to Fayetteville that afternoon, and he was great in the car.
This picture was taken the next morning.
It was several days later before I broke the news of the 'granddog' to the parents. I showed up at their door with him, and my mother asked "Who is that?" I replied, "Archie, from Raeford, and he's mine."
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