Monday, February 20, 2006

Bad attitude

Boy, did I have one today. The "inclement weather phone tree" from work has termites. I didn't get a call telling me to come in later than the scheduled time for work today. At 11 last night, some weather genius decided to postpone school until 10 a.m. because of the impending bad weather. The weather geeks were calling for a CHANCE of snow, sleet, and freezing rain. We got nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch. The big goose egg.
So I was at work early today - and pissed off about it. I think I stewed for a couple of hours. I needed a big sign that said "Beware of Teacher".
After some white chocolate covered pretzel and music therapy while I worked, I came home for a triple dose of loving from Cerberus, which helped lighten my mood immensely.
Earlier in the day, I had emailed the LMGC about my snit fit, including the sentence "You would not want to be around me right now."
His reply: I would give you a hug. And if that didn't work, I'd run like hell.
Smart man.


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