Sunday, July 03, 2005

Random Update (again)

I have been very slack regarding my blog lately. Here's why:

I had this done last week, postponed from the prior week. It was absolutely the worst procedure I've ever had done in my life. Would not wish it on anyone. No anesthesia, no sedative, no nothing. Thank God/Allah/Buddha/Xenu for this stuff that eased so much of the intense pain. The doctor didn't tell me to take it; I just thought it might help and called their hotline to make sure. About two hours later, the relief came. If I ever have that procedure again, they are going to have to knock me out.

I started my new job Friday. So to speak. When I arrived at work, everything from the administrative offices was pulled out in the hallways so the new carpet could be put down. The county maintenance guys had "helped," and the furniture was scattered everywhere, with no rhyme or reason. There was very little I could do, except stand around and look pretty (ha). The carpet guys actually got all four offices completed, pulling up the old carpet and half the floor, and laying the new carpet, in one day. Yay for them. Tuesday will be the not-so-fun part of figuring out what furniture goes where and moving it back.

Last weekend, I went to see King Mackerel and the Blues are Running with the LMGC. We had a great time and really enjoyed the musical. Afterwards, we met Don Dixon. He chatted with us a bit, signed the LMGC's cd, and kissed my hand. He was very gracious and we raved the rest of the night.
On the silly side, prior to seeing King Mackerel, the LMGC and I went out to eat at El Zarape. The food and service were good. During the meal, I couldn't turn away from this huge painting that was on the wall behind the LMGC's head. I stared and stared until it hit was a painting of the River Jordan! This was a large painting that had obviously come from some church's baptistry. The painting looks like a large landscape, rather non-descript, but for those of us who have spent many hours on a church bench, you recognize the subject matter. Funny #2...the LMGC picked the worst time to use the facilities. A show came on Telemundo and it opened with dancers of all variety (and I mean ALL) gyrating around, along with big-headed versions of world leaders. I recognized Tony Blair and Saddam Hussein. I have Googled my brains out trying to find a picture online. I was about to die laughing while watching the spectacle. A nearby diner was watching too, and we laughed together. His wife was using the facilities as well, and I told him that our respective companions were not going to believe us when we told them what we'd seen.

I think that about covers it. More later.


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