Saturday, October 01, 2005

Cheap drunk

Maggie went back to the vet today. I gave her the two tranquilizer pills this morning and waited for them to kick in. An hour and a half later, I couldn't really tell much difference, but we headed out to the vet's office anyway. While we were in the waiting room, she did seem calmer, and even sat on the bench beside me, with her head in my lap. When the vet tech called us in, and Maggie jumped down, she wobbled. Oh yeah, the drugs had kicked in. She was a little unsteady on her feet and walked a little crooked, but managed to get on the scales for her weigh-in and into the exam room.
I sat with the beast on the floor until it was time for the exam. I muzzled her with little fuss, and got her onto the exam table with lots less trouble than before. She wasn't happy about the vet and the vet tech coming near her, but the struggle was a tenth of what it was several weeks ago. The tech was able to hold her body and I rubbed her head while the vet drew the blood for the heartworm check and gave her the vaccination.
And it was done. Over in less than five minutes. Maggie struggled longer than that the first time. After getting the flea drops and heartworm meds for the dogs and with my checking account $200 lighter, Maggie and I headed out. I forgot to ask about her heartworm status, so I'll have to call back on Monday to check for sure. Paws will be crossed until then.
We met a little Cocker/Brittany Spaniel mix in the waiting room, and Maggie whined at her. She looked an awful lot like Lily, and I'm sure Maggie thought "Oh no! Another one!" I'm not familiar with Spaniels, so it was interesting to see one 'in real life.' Lily definitely has the Cocker coat, coloring, and 'look,' but she doesn't have the finer bone structure and build that this Spaniel had. Lily has a sturdier build (thanks to her Labrador Retriever daddy) set on the smaller Spaniel frame.
Maggie is still woozy from the tranquilizers, 12 hours later. The vet tech said it would probably last all day. I may try to clip her nails before the day is done, while she's not interested in putting up much of a fight. She's been a mama's girl all day, wanting to sit near me, with her head on me somewhere, for most of the day. I'm sure she feels very disoriented. She certainly looks that way...glassy eyed and confused.
On an unrelated note, Cerberus and I went for a ride this afternoon. Girls in the front seat, boy in the back (not quite "boys in the cage, girls up front" but close). Maggie had her head in my lap most of the ride, while Lily tried to climb over both of us. Each time we would go under an overpass, Lily would duck down, as she saw the shadow of the bridge go over the car. The first time she ducked, I didn't notice why. But after a few more 'duckings,' I realized she was cuing in on the overpasses as we would go underneath. Those sad puppy eyes looking up as she'd duck for a couple of seconds gave me a few chuckles. My crazy critters.


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