Reading Witch

I have a witch/wizard's hat that I bought in NOLA that I thought I'd use during the Halloween season. Tuesday, during a workshop, I put it on and said "I'm the reading witch" and got a round of laughter.
I needed that hat today. And not for the laughter. Because I am serious. And we might just have to do a little "making words" lesson and change the "w" in "witch" to a "b" and see what new word we get.
I held a workshop today and had to deliver some unwelcome but necessary news regarding documentation of lesson plans. I have given several options for the documentation, one even being as simple as choosing food from a Chinese take-out menu....I'll have skill F6 (vocabulary) and A2 (sight words) with a little C3 (comprehension) on the side. Yet, from one side of the room, all I got were grumbles and complaints.
And these were people who had just cleaned me OUT on the snacks and drinks I had brought for the meeting, paid for out of my own pocket (no reimbursements here).
My favorite was the person who did other work throughout the meeting, and only responded when I addressed a direct question to her by name. My gut teacher instinct was to walk over, close her other book, and take it away. But I refrained.
So. No food at the next meeting. I refuse to spend my hard earned money for a passel of mealy-mouthed ungrateful heathens (and not all of them are, just some). And documentation will be the new key word. Documentation of plans turned in. Documentation when they're not. Documentation of classroom visits. Documentation of meetings.
The problem is that folks who don't want to follow our guidelines are truly jeopardizing our big-ass six figure grant money. And it's not about my job so much as it is the fact that we will lose all the nice things we have and we will be taking resources right out of the hands of our students.
I bit my tongue today during the meeting, but I'm formulating some plans to deal with these issues in the future.
Do you hear the cackling?
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