In which I bring down the wrath of the Lord
Because I mowed the grass on Sunday. All you non-Bible belt residents, pull up a chair.
We are talking about keeping the Sabbath holy. And boy, did I blow that one out of the water today. It will be talked about for some time by the bluehairs down the road. How Pearl's granddaughter CUT THE GRASS ON A SUNDAY. It is a BIG DEAL around here to not do physical labor on a Sunday. Many times over the years have I joined in the tsk-ing of someone pushing a mower on a Sunday morn instead of going to church. Now I'm one of them!
And y' daddy helped me! He's hell-bound too! I will have company!
I told my mother in advance, and told her if anyone asked, to say that I'm a heathen and she can't do anything with me. She laughed.
To's what the weather's like tonight.

See that purple down around the state line? That's all because of me.
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