Sunday, August 13, 2006

Breaking the law

This article on the No Child Left Behind legislation really didn't surprise me.
Disclaimer before you read further: My job is funded from a grant that is a result of the NCLB act. That being said...
NCLB is another in the growing line of half-assed schemes, initiatives, projects, etc. of the Bush White House. It sounded like a great idea, in the beginning. Qualified teachers for poor children! Hooray! Close the achievement gap! Go for it!
But it's not happening. I work in a small poor rural school district. Even with signing bonuses of $3000 and incentives of up to $8000 for teachers remaining at hard-to-staff schools for three years, it's incredibly difficult for us to keep teachers. Each year we receive a heavy influx of teachers from the northern states (predominantly), for whom jobs are scarce in their home areas. They may stay one year, sometimes two or three, but rarely beyond that. They move back home with teaching experience and we are left with vacancies. My county spends thousands of dollars on staff development each year, teaching the same courses over and over due to the high teacher attrition rate.
Although a little dated, this article goes into detail about the problems facing school systems in NC. (Another disclaimer - my county is mentioned in the article.)
NCLB just isn't working. Anyone who asks me about it gets this answer - even Jesus will leave some behind, and it's not for lack of trying for over 2000 years and he's had lots of help. George Bush thinks he's going to do any better?


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