Cat talk

LMGC: she's more into the top of the couch now
LMGC: she also seems to enjoy sitting on the couch to watch TV a lot, guess she saw us hanging out there a lot over the weekend.
Dix: she's a couch potato
LMGC: most everytime I've gone to let her out of the bathroom she was perched on the counter top
LMGC: she even hissed at Rascal Flatts during the Country Music Awards earlier
Dix: hahahah
LMGC: she shoulda saved it for Wynonna Judd who absolutely butchered a Led Zeppelin song
LMGC: she did hold up her paw for "Freebird" though
Cute pic of Cuyahoga, good to see she's fitting in
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