Sea Creatures for $500, Alex *
While walking towards a big blob on the beach at Emerald Isle...
Friend o'Dix: What the hell is that thing?
LMGC: It looks like a turkey with a giblet.
Dix: It's not a giblet, giblets are inside of them. But it starts with a "g". All I can think of is goozle and that's not right.
Friend o'Dix: It's a sea turkey.
Dix: I used to know what those things under their necks were called when I taught first grade, but that was two years ago.
It turned out that our USB (unidentified sitting bird) was indeed a brown pelican. The up close and personal view was a first for all three of us. Do I need to mention that there had been imbibing of adult beverages the night before?

*post title courtesy of the LMGC
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