It was 20 years ago today

...that I attended my very first concert - Duran Duran (Erasure opened) at the old Charlotte Coliseum on Independence Boulevard (shoutout to the DivaGeek's old stomping grounds) on their "Strange Behaviour" tour to support the "Notorious" album. I think I still have the ticket stub somewhere, and I vaguely remember the ticket (plus service fees) being less than $20. Which seemed, to an unemployed almost-16 year old in 1987, to be a LOT of money. I bought a shirt and a tour program - they're somewhere at my parents' house as well.
Thanks to Blockbuster's Total Access program, I've was able to watch D2's "Sing Blue Silver," "Arena," and "Live from London" in the past week. That prompted me to several productive hours (!) of Googling, in which I found that there are tons of Duran bootlegs in existence. They don't seem to be as easy to get as those for R.E.M., the DBTs, or Ryan Adams, but they are out there. So now you know my newest challenge.
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