If it's good enough for Costner

Then I reckon it's good enough for me. At least he's quoted as extolling the virtues of Airborne effervescent health formula.
I thought my sniffles and asthma problems of late were due to the dogs, but I think there's more to it. Could be a cold I've picked up along the way. Could be the rapid weather changes we've had. Saturday I was in sandals, today I was in boots. Either way, I've been sneezing, wheezing, and coughing my stuffy and drippy head off for the past couple of days.
So I decided to give Airborne a try. It's much like Alka-Seltzer, with a plop-plop-fizz-fizz effect when the tablet's dropped in water. I bought the lemon-lime flavor and it's not too bad. What I reminded myself while sipping it down was, "you made it through drinking two bottles of barium mixture for the CAT...this is a piece of cake." We shall see if it works. I dosed up with some extra echinacea as well, even though it's included in the Airborne.
Surfed to the Airborne site and I can't decide which worries me more - Mickey Rooney, Barry Williams (aka Greg Brady), or the *actual cold germs* you can see here.
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