About the state of education. Or rather, some of our educators. I'm on a email list that caters to a percentage of the educator population who are seeking a certain prestigious certification (y'all can figure this out). So today, an email comes to the group that says:
I have been part of this for about 6 months and found it invaluable when preparing for the assessment center questions. I have a friend who is just starting the process. She would like to join the group but I cannot remember how I joined. Can you give me instructions? Thanks.
I am wondering just *how* dumb this person is. If she reads the list on the web, she goes to the ACTUAL SITE where she joined, and could find directions for her friend. If she gets the list through email, the name of the site is part of the email address (nameofgroup@groups.yahoo.com). Where she could then go, and you know the rest.
Maybe I'm beginning to see WHY IN THE HELL over 2/3 of the people who go through this process the first time do not certify. If you can not remember how in the world you joined an email list that HAS THE NAME OF THE SITE in the title, then it just might take you two or three times to certify. I'm not tooting my own horn (or certification), but really...I can follow directions and I remember some stuff.
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