Tuesday, August 30, 2005

You might be a geek if....

You spend four hours working with two computers to try and get Palm Pilots to sync correctly. Whatever is wrong with the two computers is so bad that even tech support can't help. We may be faced with wiping them and starting over. My teachers can't do any assessing until I'm able to sync all their Palms the first time, so these computer issues have been a big headache.
Since I desperately need a sync station, I commandeered one of our computers in the school lab for an experiment. And it worked. I was able to install the Palm software along with the conduit software from the wireless company, and, VOILA, I was able to sync the Palms. The test will be tomorrow. I am going to assess one child with the Palm, sync it, and hope that the results show up online. If so, I will have managed to temporarily solve the problem. On my own. Take that. :)

P.S. I *heart* the Weather Pixie! We just had a thunderstorm, and lo and behold, there were little clouds and lightning bolts behind her head! I want her wardrobe (and shoes)! She's too cute.


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