Saturday, February 24, 2007
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Monday, February 19, 2007

I'm a fangirl. I admit it. I am too excited by the fact that I am now MySpace friends with Patty Hurst Shifter.
These are guys whom I've seen play more than a dozen times. I've bought them drinks....more than a few drinks. I've had conversations with them. Even hugged them. But I didn't want to "bother" them on MySpace. I'm a nut.
And their new EP comes out tomorrow. Just so y'all know.
PHS @ Bella Festa, 12/30/06
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Catching up, part 2

Apologies to my few readers for the slackness in blogging as of late, but as the four of you know (and you know who you are), I've been under the weather for the last month or so. I will try to do better. And as such, here's a snarky shot of Cuya to counteract all the leftover sweetness from Valentine's Day.