Monday, June 18, 2007


It was one year ago today that I cat-napped a loud fuzzy white kitten from Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio and brought her home to North Carolina. In the last month or so, Cuya's finally started to become the cat I wanted. She's outgrowing the random craziness of kittenhood and has learned the word NO and how to take naps. We're still working on not clawing while snuggling, but she's improving. And although she is still very affectionate, she has learned that it is OK not to be on top of me ALL THE TIME.

Saturday, June 16, 2007


Dix: I need to go to PetsMart.
Dad o'Dix: What do you need to get? Will it take long?
Dix: I need some dry food for Angus, that's all. (pause) And I need to go to the bathroom. I know where it is there.
Dad o'Dix: Do they have a bathroom? Or is it a litterbox?

Friday, June 15, 2007


I didn't make this one up. It came from a thread on an "alt-country" message board that's more about Ryan Adams than anything else. It made my day.

Thursday, June 07, 2007


Dad o'Dix: What's the situation on your grass?
Dix: My grass?
Dad o'Dix: Yeah, your grass. Not your cannabis grass. Your yard grass.
Dix: I've got weeds.
Dad o'Dix: You didn't cut it the other day?
Dix: No, I'm leaving the dandelions for the rabbits.

For the record, I've never smoked *anything* and this conversation came completely out of the blue.

Sunday, June 03, 2007


The blog had a birthday - on the same day as the DivaGeek, as a matter of fact. I missed both of them.
A happy belated to the blog (we'll be in the terrible twos) and the DivaGeek should have a package in the mail tomorrow.

The LMGC speaks

"You are the feisty leader of your tribe." - from "Free Will Astrology" in the Independent

Dix: What did we say earlier tonight that was bloggable?
LMGC: Did someone have an erection?
Dix: Lord, no!
LMGC: You asked me how my brisket was. (pause) I thought it was something kind of naughty. It wasn't anything about someone having a stiffy?
Dix: NO.