Sunday, May 29, 2005

Do I feel warm?

I'm sick. Scratchy throat, runny nose, congestion, fever sick. On Memorial Day weekend. This sucks.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Lions and Monkeys and Bears, Oh My!

Whew....Zoo 2005 is over. It was a good trip, though.
The highlights: the gorilla coming all the way up to the glass so we were *thisclose,* and then peeing on the glass....the sleeping polar bear that opened one eye, sniffed the air, and went back to sleep....the baboons (aka "the monkeys with the funny pink butts") that played grabass and growled at each other....the chimpanzee that kissed the glass and made faces....the baby patas monkey that was *socute* that we wanted to bring it home....the impressive kangaroos.

Monday, May 23, 2005

You can come too, too, too....

We're going to the zoo, zoo, zoo tomorrow. I'm looking forward to it, but also fearful of my kidney pain. It was very uncomfortable today; one Darvocet wouldn't take care of the pain, and of course I only had one with me, so I had to grimace and bear it until I got home to reload on meds.
Factor in the lovely eye infection, and I'm a mobile trainwreck, physically. One of my cherubs said last week, "First her back, now her eyes." Out of the mouths of babes.
We'll see how much of a toll the trip takes on me this time tomorrow.

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Pools of sorrow, waves of joy

I've wanted to use that line for a while now. I've fallen into deep like with the I Am Sam soundtrack, and especially Rufus Wainwright's version of "Across the Universe."
That's how I feel about things lately. The two emotions in conjunction with each other. I'm not having high highs and low lows. I have good things that fall into my lap and then there's the agony of my back (or more precisely, kidney) pain that lurks and is an everpresent threat to just getting through the day.
I've had a few good days lately, which is saying a lot, considering the ordeal the last four months have been with the pain, doctor visits, tests, etc. But I've also learned to be could be worse. I'm in better shape than some, not as good as others.
Pools and waves, pools and waves.

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Yes, I'm a quizlet whore

Your Taste in Music:

80's Alternative: Highest Influence
80's Pop: High Influence
Classic Rock: High Influence
90's Pop: Medium Influence
80's Rock: Low Influence
90's Alternative: Low Influence
90's Rock: Low Influence
Adult Alternative: Low Influence
Alternative Rock: Low Influence
Hair Bands: Low Influence
Progressive Rock: Low Influence