Saturday, December 30, 2006


for some relief
for the two shots I got today to really do some good
for the constant ache from my hip to my thigh to ease
for the NSAID pill to do its anti-inflammatory thing
for the numbness and tingling to disappear
for the muscle relaxant to knock me out so I can sleep

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Art attack

The LMGC and I visited to the Monet in Normandy exhibit Friday. It's been a long time since I exercised the art history part of my brain and I won't tax it too much now, but it was a wonderful exhibit. Works that had previously only existed in the plane of books and slides in a dark classroom took my breath away.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Lacking the Christmas spirit

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

In art, no one can hear you scream

Two classroom observations, two computers set up and networked, a grade level meeting, and a faculty meeting in one day, plus other random tasks, some job-related, some not so much.
Munch knew what my day was going to be like long before I did.
Happy birthday to the late Edvard.

*photo from Google - those folks are always so up on things

Monday, December 04, 2006

Copyrighting the idea and calling the marketing department

Dix: does Pirates of the Caribbean come out tomorrow?
LMGC: yep
LMGC: Talladega Nights does too, I think
LMGC: but Snakes on a Plane isn't getting any love
LMGC: I saw where it was originally scheduled to come out tomorrow too but I guess it got pushed back to January
Dix: awwwhh
LMGC: No Pirates or rednecks in Snakes...
LMGC: just overacting, snakes and Samuel L. "Muthafuckin'" Jackson
LMGC: the deluxe DVD should come with its own plastic snakes for the ideal home viewing experience
LMGC: they should jump out of the DVD case like those practical joke snakes in a can
Dix: haha
Dix: now that's an idea
Dix: of course people would probably sue
LMGC: I got bit by a muthafuckin' plastic ass snake in a can

Sea Creatures for $500, Alex *

While walking towards a big blob on the beach at Emerald Isle...

Friend o'Dix: What the hell is that thing?
LMGC: It looks like a turkey with a giblet.
Dix: It's not a giblet, giblets are inside of them. But it starts with a "g". All I can think of is goozle and that's not right.
Friend o'Dix: It's a sea turkey.
Dix: I used to know what those things under their necks were called when I taught first grade, but that was two years ago.

It turned out that our USB (unidentified sitting bird) was indeed a brown pelican. The up close and personal view was a first for all three of us. Do I need to mention that there had been imbibing of adult beverages the night before?

sea turkey

*post title courtesy of the LMGC