Dix: does Pirates of the Caribbean come out tomorrow?
LMGC: yep
LMGC: Talladega Nights does too, I think
LMGC: but Snakes on a Plane isn't getting any love
LMGC: I saw where it was originally scheduled to come out tomorrow too but I guess it got pushed back to January
Dix: awwwhh
LMGC: No Pirates or rednecks in Snakes...
LMGC: just overacting, snakes and Samuel L. "Muthafuckin'" Jackson
LMGC: the deluxe DVD should come with its own plastic snakes for the ideal home viewing experience
LMGC: they should jump out of the DVD case like those practical joke snakes in a can
Dix: haha
Dix: now that's an idea
Dix: of course people would probably sue
LMGC: I got bit by a muthafuckin' plastic ass snake in a can