Sunday, January 29, 2006
Saturday, January 28, 2006
Thursday, January 19, 2006
Wishing for narcolepsy right now
I bought a bottle of melatonin last week. I don't know where I put it. But I'm thinking if I got up to look for it, it would wake me up more than I'm awake now and I'd never get back to sleep. Argh. Yes, it's 3:42 and I have to be up in less than 3 hours.
Keeping secrets
So it turns out that the wonderful Ryan Adams shows from June 2005 in Raleigh and Myrtle Beach *were*, in fact, taped. Ryan fans have been asking about this for the past seven months and there hasn't been a peep. But with the release of Bedhead V, a fan-based compilation of live recordings, demos, etc., the cat is out of the bag. There are a couple of songs from the shows on the compilation, and the LMGC has said that the whole shows will probably surface in the not-so-distant-future.
I'm not sure who made the compilation, who the tapers are, etc., but one thing is for certain - we need to hire these people for national security jobs. If they can keep this kind of stuff under their hats, we won't have a Plamegate II any time soon.
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
A little late, but what the heck
In the year 2006 I resolve to: |
Monday, January 16, 2006
Happy Barkday!

Today is Archie's birthday. Or at least as close to it as we'll get.
I picked him up at a colleague's house two years ago today. He had wandered up before a light snowfall and stayed on. My friend tried to find his owners, but had no luck, so she asked me to come out and take a look at him. And I'm glad I did.
That Friday afternoon, Archie decided to wander off from her house. Another colleague saw him alongside the road, stopped her car, grabbed him, threw him in her car, and drove the short distance back to the house to keep him safe until I arrived.
He didn't have a name yet, but I had a tag, collar, and leash for him. We went to Fayetteville that afternoon, and he was great in the car.
This picture was taken the next morning.
It was several days later before I broke the news of the 'granddog' to the parents. I showed up at their door with him, and my mother asked "Who is that?" I replied, "Archie, from Raeford, and he's mine."
In which I copy the DivaGeek's post but not her answers
I am Progressive Girl Click on the picture below to read more:
Let there be light
Dix: That Jesus candle has lasted a long time! (It's actually the Virgin of Guadalupe, but I digress.)
LMGC: Mmmhmmmm. Eternity.
Friday, January 13, 2006
Cerberus, we're not in NC anymore

The National Weather Service has issued a tornado watch for portions of central North Carolina effective until 1 a.m. Saturday. Thunderstorms are expected ahead of a strong cold front Friday evening. Tornadoes, hail up to 1 inch in diameter, thunderstorm wind gusts of up to 70 mph, and dangerous lightning are possible in these areas.
That would be the area in red. I'm in the area in red. And the wind is whipping outside.
Sunday, January 08, 2006
I've been here before
Last night in imaging:
X-Ray tech: When the CT starts, you will hear a lady's voice...
Dix (interrupting): I know that lady!
X-Ray tech (laughing): That's funny!
Dix: She's a friend of mine.
Had a kidney stone attack while visiting my grandmother in the hospital last night. How convenient.
Thankfully the ER was not too busy and I was seen pretty quickly. My new best friend is the guy who gave me a shot of Dilaudid for my pain. The CT showed a couple of stones in each kidney, but none "on the move."
So I wait.
Ma'am , step away from the loom
And the computer and the tv while you're at it. A post from one of the loom knitting groups I've recently joined:
As for a future project, I thought about doing an afghan/throw or
something of that sort with the Klingon and/or Maquis symbols on it.
Oh. My.
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
Membership has its privileges
I was at the Dollar Tree tonight, picking up a few things, and used my debit card to pay for my purchases. Swiped the card and waited and waited. The cashier cleared out the "swipe" and had me do it again. Still didn't process. Did it one more time with the same result. Then she swiped the card and the card reader came back with the message "NOT AVAILABLE." The cashier said "As much as you're in here and use your card and it's telling you 'not available'? It ought to take your card the first time and say PREFERRED CUSTOMER!" Which gave me a much needed laugh after a very long day.
Road to nowhere
Hallelujah - one way streets in downtown Raleigh will soon be a thing of the past. It will save the LMGC and me *so* much driving time....because you have no idea how many times we've circled the city, taken the long ass way around to get somewhere, or just plain got lost trying to get to a show downtown.
But the bummer is, I was just now learning my way around and getting a handle on downtown. Go figure.
Sunday, January 01, 2006
Food glorious food
The spread from the New Year's Eve get-together at my parents' house. I should have taken an "after" picture as well; there wasn't much left to clean up!
From top to bottom, left to right:
Crackers, hot ham and cheese dip (made by Dix)
Tortilla chips, potato chips and dip, Godiva chocolates
Queso dip, salsa, chicken salad spread (on the cute snowman platter - note the arms and feet!), fruitcake (from NOLA, no less)
Pineapple and mandarin oranges, chocolate fondue, baked brie (brown sugar and pecans inside - also made by Dix) with Granny Smith and Gala apple slices, vegetable crackers, nutty fingers, sausage balls


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