Vacation in Athens is calling me
Day two in Athens should see us hitting the "sights" on the musical history walking tour.
The LMGC wanted to hit the Lona show at the Caledonia Lounge last night, so Steve and I went along for the late-night walk (around 1:30 for those of you keeping up). The first and third songs we heard were good. Second song was too much emo wailing and woe-is-me. And no discernible tune. We walked out when they started up with "Owner of a Lonely Heart." Not because of the song so much as because of the unbearable heat in the joint. In the middle of the dark Georgia night after an evening thunderstorm cooled things off and with ceiling fans spinning, the Caledonia was like a sauna. I can't imagine what it will feel like around 5 this afternoon. Oy vey.
While cooling off in the outdoors section of the Caledonia, the LMGC said "There's Mike Mills..." just as I turned to the right. And as those words sank in, Mills walked right past us and into the Caledonia. We were restrained and only peeked in the doorway to verify it was, indeed, MEM.
A walking lap around several blocks of downtown after closing time let us see some of the late night goings-on of Athens. We ended up at the back door of the Caledonia, and Mills was still inside. A call to the DivaGeek regarding Mills went unanswered, and we headed for home.
Also yesterday - lunch at the Mellow Mushroom, downtown shopping, presents, and supper with the Murmurs crowd at EastWest Bistro. I recommend the sweet potato chips with bleu cheese dressing!